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Medicaid Resources

Applying for Medicaid Coverage
Medicaid programs are designed to provide essential health services to lower income individuals, children, and families who qualify for coverage. Medicaid programs are run by your State. If you are looking for information on your state’s Medicaid program use the information on this page to find some helpful information and direct links to your state and relevant websites.

Medicaid Eligibility Checker
See if you might save on Marketplace premiums, or qualify for Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), based on your income. Or, find out who to include in your household and how to estimate income before you apply. Also available in Spanish.

Medicaid FAQs
Although the federal government pays a portion of the costs, Medicaid is administered and operated by states, and each state’s program is a little different depending on the needs and goals of that state. This page has frequently asked questions to help you connect with the appropriate resource to address your health coverage needs.

(The) Eldercare Locator 
Aging and Disability Services provides information and assistance to seniors, people with disabilities, and caregivers.

SHIP Programs
Free Medicare and Medicaid consumer counseling is available in every state through SHIP programs (Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program). SHIP counselors may also assist with applying for Medicare Savings Programs and for filing the Extra Help application with SSA.

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