WISERWoman Newsletter

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Get information, news and resources to help you plan for your financial future.

Recent Newsletter Issues:


Caregiver Today, Retirement – Ever?

When planning for the future, one issue that may not immediate come to mind is the financial impact of caregiving. Many women expect to care for someone at some point in their lives if they haven’t already. But far fewer have planned for that time. This newsletter will help you think through those issues and provide you with steps you can take now to protect yourself financially. Also, this issue covers some important Social Security topics.


Let’s Not Make a Deal: Beware of Unsolicited Calls and Offers that Sound Too Good to Be True

Financial fraud and scams targeting the elderly are a multi-billion dollar industry, and they are on the rise. While anyone can become a victim, the prime targets are women age 80+ who live alone on moderate incomes trying to meet the increasing costs of health care, housing and day-to-day expenses.

To read past issues of the WISERWoman newsletter, visit our newsletter archives.
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