Lara Hinz is the Director of Programs at WISER, the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement.  WISER is a nonprofit organization that works to help women, educators and policymakers understand the important issues surrounding women’s retirement income. In her role, Ms. Hinz oversees WISER’s national outreach and partnership activities, which focus on providing low- to moderate-income women with the financial tools and information they need to develop long-term financial security.  She has also presented at numerous conferences and events around the country, including events hosted by the U.S. Department of Labor, The Financial Services Roundtable, Social Security Administration, American Association of Service Coordinators, National Adult Protective Services Association, LIMRA, and the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. Ms. Hinz further provides technical assistance with workshops and training curricula to national and community organizations around the country in her role as deputy director of the National Resource Center on Women and Retirement, operated by WISER and funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging.

Prior to WISER, Ms. Hinz worked at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research where she focused primarily on older women’s economic issues and served as Managing Editor for the Journal of Women, Politics, & Policy.  Ms. Hinz received a Master of Science in Social Work from Columbia University, and holds a B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from the University of Rhode Island. In 2012, she was inducted into the National Academy of Social Insurance.

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