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Caregiver Support Group Resources

AARP Family Caregivers Discussion Group
This group has 4,000-plus members offering both practical and moral support.  

American Association of Caregiving Youth (AACY)
The American Association of Caregiving Youth (AACY) is the national resource for children who sacrifice their education, health, well-being and childhood to provide care for family members who are ill, injured, elderly or disabled. 

Camp Corral
A national non-profit organization whose mission is to transform the lives of children of this nation’s wounded, ill, and fallen military heroes. Since its inception in 2011, Camp Corral has served nearly 29,000 children from every state in the nation with resilience-based programs focused upon the very unique attributes and challenges shared by military-connected children across the country. Visit their website to learn more about their camp programs.

Caregivers of Narcissistic Family Members
A group that creates a safe place to discuss the day to day care of a “narcissistic loved one”. A free place to vent and offer help and support of what the caregivers are going through.
Site that compiles a useful list of Facebook support groups. You can find groups focused on your specific family situation, including the Dementia Caregivers Support Group.
This site offers links to support groups focused on more than 160 topics, including support groups for caregivers dealing with specific health issues like cancer or dementia. 

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