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Long-Term Care Resources

AARP Health Costs Calculator
Calculator to give caregivers an idea of the expenses after retirement. 

Aging Life Care Association (ALCA)

ALCA is an organization dedicated to the development, advancement, and promotion of humane and dignified social, psychological, and health care for the elderly and their families through counseling, treatment, and the delivery of concrete services by qualified, certified providers. The site features a Find an Aging Life Care Expert search to locate a professional. 

American Association for Homecare (AAHomecare)
The American Association for Homecare (AAHomecare) works to preserve and strengthen access to care for the millions of Americans who require medical care in their homes. AAHomecare represents health care providers, equipment manufacturers, and other organizations in the homecare community. 

Best Practice Caregiving
Best Practice Caregiving is a free online database of proven dementia programs for family caregivers. It offers a searchable, interactive, national database of vetted, effective programs that offer much-needed information and support. 

CARE Act Card
The CARE Act helps family caregivers when their loved ones go into the hospital and as they transition home. This card should be kept near insurance cards. That way, you’ll have important information about this new law available when you need it most. Also available in Spanish. 

Caregiver Action Network
The nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for the more than 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age.  

Caregiver’s Guide to Medications and Aging created this fact sheet to serve as a caregiver’s guide to medication use, questions to ask, and to provide tips on what to do about the challenges of that use. 

(The National) Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care
Consumer Voice offers consumers, families, and advocates resources and information on long-term care. Their website includes resources, tips and tools to help family members find quality long-term care for their loved one.  

Eyegaze is eye tracking hardware and software developed for people with various eye conditions to help them in communicating with loved ones. Visit their website to view their devices, software, and to learn about insurance coverage availability. 

Family Caregiver Alliance National Center on Caregiving
FCA provides services to family caregivers of adults with physical and cognitive impairments, such as Parkinson’s, stroke, Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Our services include assessment, care planning, direct care skills, wellness programs, respite services, and legal/financial consultation vouchers. Also available in Spanish.

This website includes extensive information about nursing home costs, medical decision-making and other topics.
Resource Center for ideas and prices for calculating prices for hiring services, in-home help, or making home modifications in the U.S. 

Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Find state and local advocates for residents of long-term care facilities by using Consumer Voice’s interactive resource map.

National Alliance for Caregiving
NAC conducts research, does policy analysis, develops national best-practice programs, and works to increase public awareness of family caregiving issues.

The Conversation Project
This is a website dedicated to helping families talk about these issues. You’ll find lots of helpful information and a conversation starter kit. Also available in Spanish.

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