Sandra Timmermann, Ed.D., is a nationally recognized gerontologist with a focus on aging and its relation to business.
Up until June, 2013, when the MetLife Mature Market Institute was disbanded, Sandy was its Executive Director and a Vice President of MetLife. She founded the Institute in 1997.
The Institute was the company’s center of expertise, strategy, and thought leadership on the 50+ market, providing customer insights, content development, research, education, sales support, and visibility for MetLife and its business partners.
Sandy’s areas of expertise are focused on global demographic changes and on retirement life stage issues on subjects ranging from retirement finances, family needs and intergenerational relationships, housing and aging in place, employment, health and long-term care, and other transitional topics. She has recently established a business, and has been working on projects with a global electronics company, a financial services/reverse mortgage company, a retirement housing developer, and a company specializing in employee benefits. She is an Adjunct Professor of Gerontology in the PhD program of the American College of Financial Services, and serves as a Senior Fellow of the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER) and Special Advisor to the Board of the Retirement Income Industry Association (RIIA).
Sandy writes for professional publications and is the Financial Gerontology columnist for the Journal of Financial Service Professionals. She is a frequent speaker on aging issues at national conferences and seminars, and has been interviewed by major media including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, USA Today, MarketWatch, Bloomberg and many others.
Earlier in her career, Sandy held senior staff positions with national aging associations including the American Society on Aging, AARP and SeniorNet, and was an account supervisor in public relations and marketing agencies. She has served in leadership capacities with a number of national organizations including the Board of Directors of the American Society on Aging, the Board of Directors of Generations United, Chair of the Board of Directors of the National Alliance for Caregiving and the Chair of the Business Forum on Aging.
She received a B.A. degree from the University of Colorado and M.A. and Ed.D. degrees from Columbia University, and served as a delegate to the White House Conference on Aging.