Care at Home
Caregiver Self-Care
Disease-Specific Organizations
End-of-Life Care
General Information Assistance
Legal and Financial
Long-Term Care
Remote Caregiving
Social Security
Support Groups
This free, comprehensive web resource offers professional insight from experienced financial experts on a variety of financial topics to help you make smart decisions about your money.
Better Business Bureau
Find a state or local bureau on the website of the national Better Business Bureau. The BBB can help consumers with complaints against businesses.
Ideas and prices for calculating prices for hiring services, in-home help, or making home modifications.
Center for Benefits Access
This center helps organizations enroll seniors and younger adults with disabilities with limited means into the benefits programs for which they are eligible so that they can remain healthy and improve the quality of their lives. Also available in Spanish.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
CFPB has many helpful resources such as Money Smart for Older Adults – Prevent Financial Exploitation, Managing Someone Else’s Money, and the Consumer Complaint line for financial products (1-855-411-2372). Also available in Spanish.
CFPB’s Spending Tracker
Have you ever looked at your monthly bank statement and been surprised by your spending? Using a spending tracker provides clarity around your spending habits and can help you make decisions about your financial goals. Check out CFPB’s spending tracker to get a better picture of your spending habits. Also available in Spanish.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English-speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns.