February 26, 2021 – This past week, organizations and individuals across the country celebrated America Saves Week. WISER is proud to be a partner in this effort to help Americans on the road to increased savings. As the celebration wraps us, we want to bring together all the tips and resources that WISER highlighted this week. Share them with your family and friends or refer to them anytime you need to give your savings a boost.
Save Automatically
- Direct a part of your paycheck to automatically go directly into a savings account. You can do this through your HR department at work or by setting up an auto-transfer at your bank or credit union. Get more tips, tools and inspiration in What’s the Easiest Way to Save? Automatically from America Saves.
- Do you feel like you don’t have any money available to save? The key to finding savings and taking control of your finances starts with creating a budget. Understanding where your money comes from and where it goes can help you find those little pockets of cash to stash. And remember, even starting small and saving just a few dollars a month can really add up. Use WISER’s budget worksheet to help get you started.
Save for the Unexpected
- Life is full unexpected twists and turns. No matter your age or income, everyone needs an emergency savings fund to help stay on track. Learn more about emergency savings.
- Did you know that caregivers often take on caregiving responsibilities with little notice or preparation? And while caregiving can be a rewarding responsibility, it can also have significant financial consequences. Check out WISER’s financial resources for caregivers so you and your loved ones can prepare for a more financially secure future together.
Save to Retire
- Saving to retire is one of WISER’s favorite topics! Check out our Seven Life-Defining Financial Decisions to help get you on the road to a secure retirement, no matter where you are on your journey.
- America Saves Week is celebrated each year in February, right in the middle of tax season which makes it a great time to talk about the Saver’s Tax Credit. This credit provides an easy way to help you save for retirement. Learn more and find out if you qualify.
Save by Reducing Debt
- Remember, paying down debt IS saving! If your goal is to reduce debt, take the America Saves Pledge to get tips, tools, & resources to help you along the way!
Save as a Family
- It’s never too early to share the important message of saving with the children in your life. WISER’s book, Sonja Meets Her Future Self is a fun way to introduce the idea of “Save, Spend, Give” to kids.
Don’t forget to explore WISER’s website for more great information, tools and resources to help you along the road to financial security.
Happy Saving!